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Friday, June 29, 2012

Same Scene, Different Book—Is It Cheating?

My latest book, Her Perfect Man, was released last Friday. I was so excited to finally tell Kim Hansen's story. Kim appeared as a supporting character in the first two books of the "man" series. Anyone who read the second book, Take This Man, will realize upon reading the new book that two scenes from the second book are repeated in Kim's story.

I wasn't sure if I should do this. Readers might think I was cheating, making it easy on myself by including scenes that had already been written for another book. In fact, in my original version of Her Perfect Man, I didn't include the sub-sandwich smackdown scene. Kim was simply remembering it while she tried to coax her cat Groucho down from a tree. But when Kristan Higgins read the chapter (I was lucky enough to win a chapter critique from her at the New Jersey Romance Writer's Conference) she thought the beginning needed more "oomph" and that I should start with Kim whomping Adam with his ham and cheese hoagie. Well, when this lady tells you something, you listen. She's not a best-selling author for nothing!

So I wrote the scene, this time from Kim's point of view. Obviously, the events had to match up with those in the second book, but since it was through Kim's eyes, different aspects could be explored. We could see that in addition to being angry at Adam, Kim is hurt by his suggestion that they take a break. Her self esteem takes a real hit.

As she reels from Adam's rejection, the rest of her day goes downhill—she falls down the stairs, her cat runs up a tree and refuses to come down. But that same afternoon, Kim encounters Charlie Keller, the man who will change her life—if she'll let him.

Next Friday, I'll post Part II of this blog and talk about the other scene in "Her Perfect Man" that matches a scene in an earlier book.

To learn more about "Her Perfect Man" and Nona's other books, please visit www.nonaraines.com


  1. Kewl, Nona, how this story came together and the fabulous help you received. Sounds excellent!

  2. I love a story that draws me in right away with action. Who cares about the weather, unless a tornado is barreling down on them? Who cares about the scenery unless it plays directly into the action? And I could care less what someone looks like at this point. Give me action. Pull me in. Make me care. Then slow the pace with descriptions. Yay you for taking her advice.

  3. sounds like a good idea, re: scenes. I bet it works.

  4. Thanks for stopping by, Beth, Vonnie and Diana. I sure was lucky when I won that critique. Kristan is such a lovely person and he suggestions were invaluable. You're right, Vonnie, action is what drags the reader into the story and isn't that what we writers want to do? Make the book so involving that the reader doesn't want to put it down.

  5. Nona - I don't think it's cheating at ALL, Nona. I think it's even harder to use the same scene from a different POV. I remember the hoagie scene well. Can't wait to read it all and see how it turned out. :-)

  6. I've read both of these books, Nona and I'm so glad you decided to give us these scenes from Kim's POV. It really did add to her character and I got to laugh at Adam getting beat with a hoagie for a second time =)



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